OK, hang on. I may have found a mistake and what I described may not
actually have been happening.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Robert Krüger <krue...@lesspain.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Werner Lehmann <
> lehm...@media-interactive.de> wrote:
>> Robert,
>> I think Tomas is right, load your thumbnails on demand when updateItem is
>> called for an item with missing thumbnail. You say that the cell of a
>> visible item gets reused for another item. If that is the case I guess that
>> the item is "moved" to another cell. Wouldn't it be possible to have an
>> image property on your items and the lazy loading is done on the item,
>> triggered when the item is passed to updateItem of any cell? That
> That is exactly what I have implemented but the problem is as described
> above
> - Too many non-visible images are loaded (I could probably live with that
> for a while)
> - I have yet to find a criterion to decide an image is no longer needed
> and thus its loading job needs to be removed from the job stack (see below)
>> should trigger the demand-loading and it would be robust against the
>> tableview exchanging cells for individual items.
> As to the question when to start or stop lazy loading for items, I would
>> add the load-demands to a stack. Each time the image for a new item is
>> requested it is put to the top of the stack and you have one or more
>> threads processing items on the stack (LIFO). An an image is requested
>> which is already on the stack move it to the top of the stack. If an item
>> is removed from a cell remove it from the stack. That should do it.
> That's what I am doing already.
> Regards,
> Robert
> Werner
>> On 28.01.2015 09:30, Robert Krüger wrote:
>>> Doesn't help. The patterns of this property being changed are just as
>>> unusable for my purposes as with the other approaches (e.g. I can clearly
>>> see that item is set to a different value for a cell that is still
>>> visible,
>> ...
> --
> Robert Krüger
> Managing Partner
> Lesspain GmbH & Co. KG
> www.lesspain-software.com

Robert Krüger
Managing Partner
Lesspain GmbH & Co. KG


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