Please see comments embedded 

-----Original Message-----
From: BoydEdmondson-NebulaSoftware [] 
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 7:01 PM
Subject: Full Screen Mode in JavaFX WebView

I have a custom Java application that uses JavaFX WebView to create a web 
browser (which uses WebKit).  I am trying to get the browser full screen mode 
to work (

How can I get full screen mode to work in WebKit?
[WebView is an Embedded component and current it doesn't have full screen 
context menu (Like what we see in browser). WebView exposes two api 
setPrefWidth  & setPrefHeight, you can try setting it to max allowable view 
port size based on screen resolution. In addition (But I don't suggest), set 
the stage or group border to 0. But do NOTE that there won't be scroll bars 
visible, But you can drag the webpage]

I'm also trying to get WebKit's Web Inspector to work in my browser to help me 
debug this issue.  How can I activate Web Inspector in JavaFX WebView?
[Sorry, Web Inspector is not enabled in this port (Webkit port of JavaFX), 
alternatively you could  debug the application on Chrome or Safari. If you find 
a difference in the Rendering, JavaScript or other defect, feel free to log a 
defect ref] 

Thanks for any information.

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