
* Does it means you're interested to port swing/text package to JavaFX ?
If the case, I will integrate your community to participate.

* This debate is a true problematic,

** First, "Do it yourself" !
I recently posted a message about MathML support in JavaFX. MathML display is broken since 2015. This is the same response : if that's a priority for you, you can do it by yourself :
   "If you are interested in seeing that this bug get fixed
sooner, then I might suggest that you consider contributing a fix for
   this bug youself."

** Secondly, how to participate in this project ?
Ok, but my experience was not the best in hacking OpenJDK by myself. Without several supplications and an active sponsoring of an Oracle Engineer my patch would have never be pushed in the OpenJDK. My reponse to Kevin message :

"I already contributed to openjdk specific bugs for the same reasons you give me. An issue in the swing/text package. My patch was posted in 2012 and accepted in 2017 for JDK9. It hasn't been a great experience for me. I'm working on Math notation support in swing/text package.

And the day that I also try to work with JavaFx ... the MathML support is broken !

I'm really interested in seeing this bug fixed.
That's why, I first contacted F. Wang from Igalia who worked on MathML integration in WebKit because I thought that it was a WebKit issue. But he answered me that it's probably a bug in OpenJFX because in others WebKit based applications, all works fine. He suggested me to post a bug report. Thus I made a look to the bug database and discovered that it's an old issue. This issue doesn't disappear with the new WebKit version in JavaFX. And now, I'm trying to contact Murali to know what I can expect in the future releases. I would be happy and proud to fix this issue but there is no documentation about WebKit integration in OpenJFX.
I hope Murali will add a comment about he plans to look at this."

** Finaly, I don't know ...
Murali added his comment in the bug report last week : MathML support is not a priority. What I 'll have to do now ? No response !

I hope not offense anybody with my bad english. I'm a pretty constructive person.

Best regards.

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