Well, if your interest is mainly in the future “cross platform king” of 
languages, you might just want to have a look at Kotlin and Kotlin/Native.

Oh, and I have heard you can develop JavaFX apps with Kotlin too!

> On 4 Feb 2018, at 13:37, Stephen Desofi <sdes...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Yes,  probably me.
> Sent from iCloud
>> On Feb 03, 2018, at 09:35 PM, John-Val Rose <johnvalr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, then one of us is "off topic"...
>> Kevin Rushforth:
>> "We are specifically looking to discuss ideas around the following areas:
>> * Easing barriers to contribution (e.g., making JavaFX easier to build, 
>> better documentation, making it easier to test changes)
>> * Code review policies
>> * API / feature review policies
>> * Code review tools (we currently use webrev, but that isn't set in stone)"
>>> On 4 February 2018 at 13:29, Stephen Desofi <sdes...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>> John,
>>>      I think you and I are thinking on two different levels.    You are 
>>> talking about the mechanics of making contributing to JavaFX easier.    I 
>>> am talking about making the motivations of contributing to JavaFX easier.
>>> Steve
>>> Sent from iCloud
>>>> On Feb 03, 2018, at 09:14 PM, John-Val Rose <johnvalr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Stephen,
>>>> 1. Swift and your "crystal ball" view of its spectacular success in the 
>>>> future has nothing whatsoever to do with making contributing to JavaFX 
>>>> easier.
>>>> 2. Like everyone else who already wants to contribute to JavaFX, we don't 
>>>> need someone to provide us with "a compelling story as to why developers 
>>>> should join and contribute".
>>>> 3. TL;DR
>>>> John-Val Rose​ (trying to be polite)​
>>>>> On 4 February 2018 at 12:58, Stephen Desofi <sdes...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>> John,
>>>>>      The point I am making is that Swift is catching up as a cross 
>>>>> platform toolkit and is available on:
>>>>> Mac and iOS, (Full Support)
>>>>> https://www.swift.org
>>>>> Android (early)
>>>>> https://academy.realm.io/posts/swift-on-android/
>>>>> Linux:  (early)
>>>>> https://itsfoss.com/use-swift-linux/
>>>>> Windows: (early)
>>>>> https://www.infoworld.com/article/3067364/open-source-tools/swift-for-windows-arrives-at-last-but-as-an-unofficial-port.html
>>>>> Browser:  (very Preliminary)
>>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46572144/compile-swift-to-webassembly
>>>>> Server Side:  (Mac and Linux)
>>>>> https://www.swift.org
>>>>> So my point is that soon Swift will steal the Cross Platform Mantra from 
>>>>> Java.   It is happening very quickly and Swift has great graphics and 
>>>>> gaming capabilities as well.
>>>>> Why would a new developer start with Java?    If we are looking 10 years 
>>>>> out, I think Apple is coming head on.
>>>>> Also when you say this thread is about the ease with which the community 
>>>>> can contribute to JavaFX, it begs the question "what kinds of 
>>>>> contribution?".    Are we here to push the platform forward and 
>>>>> contribute new ideas or just do bug fixes?
>>>>> Swift is a real threat to Java being the cross platform development King. 
>>>>>    Java can hold on to that story for only a couple more years.  It 
>>>>> surely won't last.
>>>>> Dart also runs on Android and iOS via Flutter, has Server side Dart 
>>>>> option, runs in the Browser very well today with full support for SVG and 
>>>>> Canvas -- and if WebGPU becomes a Web standard, Google will most 
>>>>> certainly support it.
>>>>> Looking toward the future, if Java doesn't run in the browser, doesn't 
>>>>> support games on any platform, and only works on iOS and Android via 
>>>>> Gluon VM, and does it with only limited graphics capability,  then I 
>>>>> think JavaFX will be a tough sell in the future.   Even tougher than it 
>>>>> is today. 
>>>>> If the point of the discussion is to build the developer community, I 
>>>>> think we first need a compelling story as to why developers should join 
>>>>> and contribute.
>>>>> The fact that I am using Dart and JavaFX, and I am seriously considering 
>>>>> if I should switch to Dart everywhere, or to Dart and Swift (instead of 
>>>>> Dart and FX) means JavaFX doesn't have the lead we think it does.    I 
>>>>> love JavaFX and would love to contribute, but it's hard when I myself am 
>>>>> looking at other options mainly because I also want my software to be 
>>>>> here 10 years from now, and I am seriously questioning if JavaFX will 
>>>>> keep up.
>>>>> I think there is a small window of opportunity for JavaFX to make a stand 
>>>>> before it is permanently relegated to a Server side language.   This 
>>>>> cross platform story won't fly too much longer, especially when Swift 
>>>>> starts to run everywhere and in the browser too, and if Google does the 
>>>>> same thing with Dart, and they both support games, where will Java be?
>>>>> If we are looking 10 years out then surely this will happen.   The big 
>>>>> question is what will we do, and where will JavaFX be?
>>>>> Steve Desofi
>>>>>> On Feb 03, 2018, at 03:09 PM, John-Val Rose <johnvalr...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Stephen - I’m not quite following you.
>>>>>> This thread is about improving the ease with which the community can 
>>>>>> contribute to JavaFX.
>>>>>> I see no point in comparing JavaFX (a cross platform graphics toolkit 
>>>>>> for JVM languages) with a Swift (a general purpose programming language 
>>>>>> that runs on Apple hardware).
>>>>>>> On 4 Feb 2018, at 00:18, Stephen Desofi <sdes...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> This begs the question,  why has the bar been set too low?   I am new 
>>>>>>> to this community and don’t know much history other than a couple weeks 
>>>>>>> of bug fix messages flying by.   
>>>>>>> I am not even clear of what our role and purpose is supposed to be.   
>>>>>>> Are we here for only bug fixes, and follow the direction and flow that 
>>>>>>> is already set, or as contributors would we be allowed to contribute to 
>>>>>>> the goals and direction of JavaFX?
>>>>>>> FX is a good platform with great potential, but it biggest deficiency 
>>>>>>> is “mind share”.  People don’t see too many real world accomplishments 
>>>>>>> that knock your socks off.   Most people use web and phone to run apps. 
>>>>>>>  PC and Desktop apps are a small part of the market.   
>>>>>>> Gluon has just recently released gluon VM and Gluon Mobile to allow FX 
>>>>>>> on phones and tablets.   
>>>>>>> The problem I see is once I can use FX on phones how will it compete 
>>>>>>> with Swift?
>>>>>>> True that “write once, run everywhere” is important and Java has a lead 
>>>>>>> over Swift.  But Swift has a lead on capability.
>>>>>>> In the end Swift will catch up with Java in the “write once, run 
>>>>>>> anywhere” mantra.   Will FX catch up with Swift in graphics by then? 
>>>>>>> Java has a lead in many areas, but if we look 10 years out, it seems 
>>>>>>> clear to me that Java needs to raise the bar or face extinction as a 
>>>>>>> client side development platform or forever be confined to the server.  
>>>>>>> This is why I need some clarification as to what our role as 
>>>>>>> contributors is going to be.   I don’t believe an open source project 
>>>>>>> can flourish if the contributors have no say or stake in the direction.
>>>>>>> Steve Desofi
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Feb 2, 2018, at 11:55 PM, John-Val Rose <johnvalr...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I think Kevin outlined in his opening post what would be considered 
>>>>>>>> "out of scope".
>>>>>>>> However, I agree with you on the basic premise that, in general, the 
>>>>>>>> bar has been set way too low as to the potential use cases and 
>>>>>>>> performance of JavaFX.  In fact, I firmly believe that games & complex 
>>>>>>>> visualisations etc. *should* be possible with JavaFX given that most 
>>>>>>>> of the heavy lifting is being done by the GPU.  It's just that, at the 
>>>>>>>> moment, the scene graph rendering pipeline is significantly slower 
>>>>>>>> than it could be and it is for this reason that we don't find 
>>>>>>>> applications using advanced 3D graphics & animations etc. (like we see 
>>>>>>>> in games) being built with JavaFX.  It's just not possible when the 
>>>>>>>> node count reaches even a very small threshold.
>>>>>>>> This is a topic I have tried to discuss numerous times and also 
>>>>>>>> believe that I can improve the performance of the scene graph 
>>>>>>>> rendering in a very tangible way.
>>>>>>>> If things pan-out as they are being described and becoming & being a 
>>>>>>>> contributor is simplified to the extent where it justifies me devoting 
>>>>>>>> a large chunk of my time to OpenJFX, this is probably what I would 
>>>>>>>> want to work on first.
>>>>>>>> ​​Graciously,
>>>>>>>> John-Val Rose
>>>>>>>>> On 3 February 2018 at 14:07, Stephen Desofi <sdes...@icloud.com> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I don’t understand why discussing new graphics capabilities such as 
>>>>>>>>> gaming or WebGPU, etc is so off limits.  Can you explain that?
>>>>>>>>> Steve Desofi
>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>> > On Feb 2, 2018, at 8:51 PM, Kevin Rushforth 
>>>>>>>>> > <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Looks like we have some good discussion so far.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I see a few themes emerging (build/test, sandbox on GitHub, ease of 
>>>>>>>>> > filing bugs, etc) along with some discussion on graphics 
>>>>>>>>> > performance (which is fine as long as the discussion doesn't veer 
>>>>>>>>> > too far into discussing specific graphics features).
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I'll let more folks chime in before I reply to anything 
>>>>>>>>> > specifically (and I'll be offline over the weekend anyway).
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > -- Kevin
>>>>>>>>> >

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