This seems reasonable to me as well: integrating the JavaFX modules into whatever dependency manager you are using seems like a good thing.

-- Kevin

Johan Vos wrote:
Hi Michael,

The second question is what I think should be the default.
This is similar to Java EE ^^^^^^^ EE4J ^^^^ Jakarta EE development: if you
want to include (some) EE API's, you include them in maven/gradle/ant, or
your IDE does that for you.

Same, if you want to include JavaFX API's in your project, you declare that
as a dependency in maven/gradle/ant (or your IDE does that for you) and
they will get downloaded from Maven Central or jcenter (if you don't have
them yet).

- Johan

Op wo 28 feb. 2018 om 10:29 schreef Michael Paus <>:

Hi Kevin,
thank you for the update. I appreciate this work very much because I
think it is utterly important for JavaFX.
While reading the past messages again I was wondering whether this will
also address the following
two questions.
1. Will there be a way to determine at program start-up whether JavaFX
is available or not in order to be able
to give a user a clear and helpful error message in case it is not?
2. Might it even be possible to treat JavaFX as just another dependency
in your Maven (or whatever) project?
For me personally these questions are not so important because I prefer
the approach of building a native
installer which already contains everything needed, but for other people
in other usage scenarios these
questions might be important.

Am 27.02.18 um 22:21 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
One of the big challenges in running JavaFX with OpenJDK builds is
that developers need to build OpenJDK locally themselves and include
the JavaFX bits produced by a locally-built OpenJFX build.

In an earlier email with the subject "javafx might not be present"
[1], I mentioned our intention to make it easier for OpenJFX to be
built, tested, and run with OpenJDK builds that don't already contain
javafx.* modules. This will pave the way to allow a set of pre-built
javafx modules to be distributed that will run on top of a pre-built

By way of update, this work is underway and can be tracked via the
following two JBS issues:

1. Removing internal dependencies:

JDK-8195798 [2] : Address dependencies in javafx.* modules on internal
APIs of core modules

The above is an umbrella task that points to several linked blocking
bugs. All of these bugs are in progress and a few are already done
(e.g., removing jdk.internal.Unsafe from Marlin).

2. Enabling the building, testing, and distribution as a set of
separate modules

JDK-8198329 [3] : Support FX build / test using JDK that doesn't
include javafx.* modules

This one depends on the first two, but can be started in parallel, so
I plan to start on it in the next few days.

Let me know if you have any questions on this.

-- Kevin



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