On 5/2/2018 6:25 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:

    Not sure what you mean by "that file".

Sorry, I meant the log/config file.

I see. This isn't something that a library like JavaFX should read.

    keeping the verbose flag but putting it on a System property

Then why not get a minimum level from a system property instead of a general on/off flag?

Because that would be duplicating functionality that should be handled by the logger configuration itself (we can't set the logging level when using the PlatformLogger wrapper utility to System.Logger).

Also, why is webkit.mediaplayer special in its usage of the logger (that it requires its own property)?

That's the real question: are the needs of the WebView media component so special that it justifies its own mechanism / property. I doubt it, which is why removing the verbose flag altogether seems the better choice as long as it isn't too intrusive / noisy.

-- Kevin

- Nir

On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 3:31 AM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com <mailto:kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com>> wrote:


    On 5/2/2018 4:52 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:

        Thanks Murali,

        I won’t suggest reading level value from log/config file.

        Is that file user facing? If so, wouldn't ignoring the level
        set in the
        file break current behavior? Would there need to be follow-up
        changes to
        this file to remove the level setting from it?

    Not sure what you mean by "that file". The WCMediaPlayer file? No,
    it isn't user-facing. Or did you mean something else?

        About option (a), wouldn't removing the verbose flag (After
        changing INFO
        to FINE) cause all the log messages to appear by default, as
        you've stated
        in the first point, and we want to avoid that? We don't have a
        minimum log
        level setting.

    By default the log level for all loggers is set at INFO -- thus
    the suggestion to change all of the INFO messages to FINE, which
    will not be logged by default. If we still end up with a bunch of
    extra WARNING or SEVERE log messages from from ordinary
    situations, then that would be a problem. Given that the
    implementation of WCMediaPlayer produces "noisier than typical"
    INFO log messages, it wouldn't surprise me that some of the
    WARNING log messages are things that the user shouldn't
    necessarily be warned about.

    In any case, the second suggestion of keeping the verbose flag but
    putting it on a System property might be less intrusive. And like
    the current solution, puts the control in the hands of the user.

    -- Kevin


        On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 11:21 PM, Murali Billa
        <murali.bi...@oracle.com <mailto:murali.bi...@oracle.com>>

            Hi Nir,

            1)      Regarding “verbose” flag usage:

            ·         Currently verbose flag is used to show log Levels
            (FINER/FINE/INFO/WARNING) in WCMediaPlayer &
            WCMediaPlayerImpl.  I feel
            it is not desirable to remove this flag as all these logs
            will start
            appearing now by default.

            ·         We can try 2 options:

            a)       1st Option: We can change all INFO log messages
            to FINE  under
            verbose flag (by leaving all log messages that use Level
            other than INFO
            unchanged) and verbose flag can be removed.

            b)      If 1st option results in too much noise for
            WARNING log messages,
            then we can keep the verbose flag and introduce a System
            Property (for ex:
            javafx.web.verbose) to enable the flag. I won’t suggest
            reading level value
            from log/config file.

            2)      Regarding 
            “com.sun.javafx.webkit.drt.DumpRenderTree”, I need to
            check few more things (since we use “addHandler” in drt)
            and will get back
            to you.

            Please let me know, if you have any queries for 1.



            *From:* Nir Lisker <nlis...@gmail.com
            *Sent:* Saturday, April 28, 2018 1:06 AM
            *To:* Murali Billa <murali.bi...@oracle.com
            *Cc:* openjfx-dev@openjdk.java.net
            <mailto:openjfx-dev@openjdk.java.net> Mailing
            *Subject:* JDK-8195974: Replace use of java.util.logging
            in javafx with
            System logger

            Hi Murali,

            Can you have a look at

            There are some usages of j.u.l in the web module I'd like
            your opinion on.
            I'm not familiar with the intent of these pieces of code
            and would like to
            know what the options are for advancing with this issue on
            that front.



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