First, I call JavaFX/OpenJFX JFX here.

I'm not an expert at JFX, I just read half of a book about JFX and be amazed by 
it. Then I began to take some attention to JFX and be interested in it. JFX is 
separated from JDK, well the news sound not so bad actually. The fact is JFX 
isn't well-known, we sound little even noting about JFX in school and lots of 
books which just teach awt/swing. Thus, the "bad" news at least can let some 
guys notice what  JFX is (*^_^*). And Here I can here only talk about the 
future of JFX.

Why we use a technology? The answer is simple, just the technology is useful in 
some application scenarios and better than the others. 

What are JFX's application scenarios? It is written in, the mirror of the OpenJFX 

    OpenJFX is an open source, next-generation client application platform for 
desktop, mobile and embedded systems based on JavaSE.   ....BALABALABALA

So JFX's scenarios are desktop, mobile, and embedded systems, let us analyze 

1. Desktop:


advantages:Write once run everywhere(solve Why Linux haven't XXX?). Easy than 
QT, build beautiful client quickly. Because of desktop's hardware higher and 
higher. We can regard JFX'performance same as QT.

limitations:Well, nowadays WebApp are everywhere, a browser can solve almost 
all of the problem, the desktop market is smaller and smaller, though client 
app suite for some special scenarios, these scenarios are too small to feed 
many programmers.

2. Mobile:

competitors:ReactNative, Flutter

limitations:Though ReactNative own many denounce, it also own huge developers 
and full toolchain. Flutter is the other technology which bright me. With 
beautiful UI and handy language Dart( similar to java ). It is perfect in my 

advantages:I haven't used JFX in mobile so I can't see what advantage JFX have. 
If JFX can perform well like Flutter, well, JFX would have a good future in 

3.Embedded systems:


advantages:The embedded device is a big market, The car, all the screen in your 
home in the future(Internet of things(IoT)), the public service devices like 
the vending machine and other interactive devices, so embedded absolutely is a 
huge enough market which can feed many JFX programmers. Compare with QT, same 
as Desktop, JFX can quickly and easily write beautiful app although QT can 
write the beautiful app too, it needs higher technological level and more time.

limitations:Performance, the inherent shortage(VM) let JFX can't run at some 
performance sensitive scenarios like plant/workshop control system or 
spacecraft control system ~~~///(^v^)\\\~~~,but with the development of science 
and technology (hardware upgrade), lots of devices have higher performance, so 
It is highly feasible by using JFX to build for-civil-use/home application. We 
can't defeat QT in performance, but we can defeat it at applicability and just 
don't get too far behind QT in performance. (bad example

What are you think about? Let's talk about it and draw a brilliant future for 

If this mail has no intention of offending someone, I hope you can forgive me.

Thank all those who contribute to JFX.

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