On 9/21/18 5:27 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Please review the following on GitHub:


This will bump the minimum boot JDK needed to build JavaFX 12 to JDK 11.

-- Kevin

Is requiring the previously released JDK to build JavaFX really necessary? Does something *actually* break as a result of using an older boot JDK?

If not, this is just going to make compiling JavaFX a real pain as you need to compile(or somehow find) a JDK that is one version behind, and if you don't have it then you need to compile the JDK with JavaFX before that(and repeat).

In other words, if I wanted to compile JavaFX 12 right now I'd need to use Oracle JDK 10(which may not even be available for download in the future, who knows?), use it to compile JDK 11 with JavaFX 11, and then use that to compile JavaFX 12 if I couldn't find JDK 11 with JavaFX online somewhere.

And it's only going to get worse as time goes on. Would it not be possible to support up until the last JDK LTS(Starting at 11) release for building JavaFX? I feel like maybe that would be more reasonable.


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