I added a comment to the two PRs in question, but it bears discussion here.

The Skara bot can't know whether all criteria have been met. It can't, for example, know whether there are outstanding comments from some reviewers that need to be addressed. Nor does it know which PRs need two reviewers (or sometimes a third if there is a specific person we would like to review it), which ones need a CSR, etc.

So having it state authoritatively that the PR is ready to integrate is a bit misleading. This is documented in the Code Review section of the CONTRIBUTING [1] doc:

NOTE: while the Skara tooling will indicate that the PR is ready to integrate once the first reviewer with a "Reviewer" role in the project has approved it, this may or may not be sufficient depending on the type of fix. For example, you must wait for a second approval for enhancements or high-impact bug fixes.

If anyone can think of a way to improve this and make it more clear, that would be helpful.

-- Kevin

[1] https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

On 12/16/2019 4:23 AM, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:

Looks like it assumes a pull request as properly reviewed as soon as it gets a single approve - independent on how many reviewers are required, see f.i.


-- Jeanette

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