On Fri, 14 Feb 2020 14:23:45 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This patch removes the `finalize` methods from the `Property` classes in the 
>> `javafx.base` module.
>> The `{Boolean,Double,Float,Int,Long}Property` classes each have a pair of 
>> methods -- `asObject` and `xxxxxProperty` -- that create a `Property<Xxxxx>` 
>> object from a primitive `XxxxxProperty` object and vice versa. Each of the 
>> methods bidirectionally binds the original property object to the created 
>> property object. All of the bidirectional bindings in question use 
>> `WeakReference`s to refer to the pair of objects being bound to each other, 
>> so that they won't cause a memory leak.
>> The `finalize` methods were added in an attempt to cleanup the bidirectional 
>> bindings when the created object goes away. I say attempt, because it is 
>> entirely ineffective in doing so. The logic that removes the binding creates 
>> a new one from the same pair of objects, but fails to match the original 
>> binding because the referent to the created property object has been garbage 
>> collected before the `finalize` method is called; the `WeakReference` in the 
>> binding is cleared and no longer matches. Fortunately, the only impact of 
>> this ineffective logic is that it can delay the removal of the binding 
>> (which is a small object that just contains the two weak references) from 
>> the original property object until it (the original property) is either 
>> garbage collected or modified (the binding logic already looks for a 
>> referent that has been GCed and removes the binding).
>> Given that the `finalize` methods don't do anything useful today, and that 
>> there is no memory leak in the first place, the proposed fix is to just 
>> remove the `finalize` methods entirely with no replacement needed. There 
>> will be no changes in behavior as a result of this.
>> Existing tests of the methods in question are sufficient to ensure no 
>> functional regressions, although there is no existing test for leaks, so I 
>> created new tests to verify that there is no leak. Since there is no 
>> existing leak, those tests will pass both with and without this fix.
> The pull request has been updated with 1 additional commit.

 line 73:

> 72:                 : "Original properties should be GCed";
> 73:         assertEquals(origMsg, origExpected, origCount);
> 74: 

As long as I'm, modifying the test, I'll also move the above block, which is 
repeated twice, into a separate method.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/113

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