On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 11:30:16 GMT, Jeanette Winzenburg <faste...@openjdk.org> 

>>> did anyone look into Java-Collection-Frameworks (ArrayList and friends or 
>>> Eclipse-Collections) how they handle this
>>> situation effeciently?
>> not me - but good idea, provided they support modifications to the source 
>> list while removing.
>> BTW, just noticed that Tree/Table/View never had the issue that was fixed 
>> with introducing the two-pass approach, can't
>> nail why not - they are using the same selectedItems (from 
>> MultipleSelectionModelBase), any ideas?
>> BTW, just noticed that Tree/Table/View never had the issue that was fixed 
>> with introducing the two-pass approach, can't
>> nail why not - they are using the same selectedItems (from 
>> MultipleSelectionModelBase), any ideas?
> because it's not a live-lookup: TreeView keeps some cache of exposed 
> treeItems - that's to where the getModelItem() in
> selectedItems is delegated to - which is updated on receiving a listChange, 
> that is not during the modification.

I'm preparing a change that won't break compatibility, so stay tuned.
The test seems to need to be added.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/305

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