On Fri, 9 Oct 2020 16:51:05 GMT, yosbits 
<github.com+7517141+yos...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I understand that this will improve the performance of this method in some 
>> cases (but not all as you correctly point
>> out), but what I really meant by my questions was: When does this matter to 
>> an application's overall performance and
>> what is the performance gain you would expect to see?  As a general rule, we 
>> do not make this sort of performance
>> optimization without a compelling reason. Improving the performance of a 
>> method is not by itself compelling unless
>> there is a demonstrable (not theoretical) improvement to applications. I 
>> look forward to seeing the test program that
>> shows the performance problem with the current implementation and allows us 
>> to measure the improvement with your
>> proposed patch.
> ### Improved space efficiency
> * The BitSet approach has a problem where the last delete index determines 
> the size of the internal BitSet array; the
>   Run-Length approach eliminates this memory waste.
> * The Run-Lengths approach has its drawbacks, but the worst case can be 
> avoided by switching to the BitSet approach when
>   the array is expanded.
> * **The BitSet approach (original source) has the wrong initial size.** The 
> exact initialization size can be determined by
>     evaluating from the end of the index. As a result, the expansion of the 
> internal array can be suppressed and
>     unnecessary memory copy does not occur. Therefore, there is still room 
> for optimization in the BitSet approach.
> * The worst case of the BitSet approach is likely to occur, and the worst 
> case of the Run-Length approach is unlikely.
>   Because the worst case of the BitSet approach happens at least one, but 
> Run-Length requires N / 2 deletions.
> * The point at which the space efficiency of Run-Length and BitSet switches 
> can be determined during the execution of the
>   Run-Length approach.
> #### Memory consumption to remove the last item in the list.
> **The BitSet approach**
> ceil(N/64)*8
> * 12,504 B for 100,000 items
> * 1,256 B for 10,000 items
> * 1,28 B for 1000 items
> * 16 B in 100 items
> **Run-Lengths Approach**
> For consecutive indexes, regardless of N
> 4 * 4
> = 16 B
> 4 * (N +1) in the worst case
> * The Run-Lengths approach has its drawbacks, but the worst case can be 
> avoided by switching to the BitSet approach at
>   the time of array expansion (hybrid approach).


To show an improvement in time efficiency, the
We need to fix the other high-priority hotspots first. I have determined that 
the current proposed change in the
Run-Length approach needs a lot of time to be accepted. I will change my 

I will switch to an approach that focuses solely on fixing the BitSet 
initialization size issue. The previous post

    public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
        BitSet bs = new BitSet(c.size());

* new BitSet(c.size())

Don't you notice this mistake?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/305

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