On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 12:02:13 GMT, Robert Lichtenberger <rlich...@openjdk.org> 

>> By using the anchor location facility of PopupWindows we can avoid 
>> miscalculation of the
>> menu's height entirely.
>> This fix also cleans up some documentation issues.
>> This fix introduces tests that check the correct positioning (test_position_)
>> test_position_withCSS reproduces the problem that is fixed with this patch.
>> The other test_position_ cases serve as "proof" that no regressions are 
>> introduces.
>> They work before and after the fix is introduced.
> Robert Lichtenberger has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   8228363: ContextMenu.show with side=TOP does not work the first time in the 
> presence of CSS
>   Corrections as per Kevin Rushforth's comments.
>   Also added two more test cases that test right-to-left node orientation.
>   Fixed the implementation and the API documentation.

The fix and the tests look good to me. I have one comment on the docs (and I 
left a minor formatting comment).

line 237:

> 235:      * NodeOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT is set.
> 236:      * Using NodeOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT will also "mirror" the 
> meaning of Side.LEFT and
> 237:      * Side.RIGHT respectively.

We don't document the effect of node orientation in other controls or in 
charts, so I wouldn't want to mention it here. Instead you can document the 
behavior assuming the default effective orientation of `LEFT_TO_RIGHT` (without 
mentioning it).

You could make the case that we should document more precisely the effect or 
NodeOrientation, but that would be a large task, and not something I would want 
to do for an isolated control in the course of a bug fix (and it would require 
a CSR).

The rest of the doc changes look good and don't need a CSR.

line 302:

> 300: 
> 301: 
> 302: 

Minor: there should only be one blank line here.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/383

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