On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 20:01:10 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Fixes a mutability issue for `LocalDateTimeStringConverter` (and 
> `LocalDateStringConverter`) where the chronology can change during the 
> lifetime of the instance and cause an inconsistent state. The following 
> changes were made:
> * The input is now formatted and parsed directly with the formatter and 
> parser (which are configured with a chronology) without the chronology field 
> value of the class.
> * The chronology field value does not change anymore when there is an 
> exception due to inability to format the date.
> * Logging on failed formatting was removed as it did not seem useful. The 
> formatter will throw the same exception that the chronology field does 
> anyway, so there is not much use to catching the exception before hand.
> Added a test that fails without this patch. The test creates a converter with 
> an explicit `Chronology` and `null` parser and formatter. The default 
> formatter that is created with the given chronology formats a legal date 
> (with respect to the chronology) to a string, which the parser should be able 
> to convert back to a date. However, by forcing an exception in the formatting 
> process using an illegal date, the chronology changes, and now when the 
> parser is used it is configured with the new chronology and it can't parse 
> the string correctly.

The fix looks good to me, as does the test with a couple suggestions.

 line 167:

> 165:         // force a chronology change with an invalid Japanese date
> 166:         try {
> 167:             System.out.println(converter.toString(LocalDateTime.of(1, 1, 
> 1, 1, 1, 1)));

Since you are expecting an exception, it seems a good idea to fail if you 
didn't get one. Something like:
    fail("Did not get the expected exception");
Also, you might consider narrowing the `catch` to just the exception that you 
expect, so that an unexpected exception will also fail the test.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/393

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