On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:37:46 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> May be it has sense to add a drag event handler (which disarms the 
>> corresponding button) to ButtonBehavior only if javafx.platform is set to 
>> monocle to localize the fix only for Monocle? Or add a separate property and 
>> set it by default to true on Monocle and to false otherwise?
> That would certainly be a safer (more targeted) fix. I'd like to hear from 
> @jperedadnr and @johanvos on this.

In case it helps, I reproduced the problem on a Kobo Touch e-reader with an 
e-paper display. The expected result isn't explicit in the bug report, so just 
to confirm, there should be no button action events received at all when you 
touch any of the buttons only for the purpose of scrolling the entire pane, 

$ sudo $HOME/opt/jdk-15.0.2+7/bin/java \
    --module-path=$HOME/lib/armv6hf-sdk/lib --add-modules=javafx.controls \
    -Dglass.platform=Monocle -Dmonocle.platform=EPD -Dprism.order=sw \
    -Dmonocle.input.18/0/0/0.minX=0 -Dmonocle.input.18/0/0/0.maxX=800 \
    -Dmonocle.input.18/0/0/0.minY=0 -Dmonocle.input.18/0/0/0.maxY=600 
Button is pressed: 3
Button is pressed: 3
Button is pressed: 5
Button is pressed: 5
Button is pressed: 5

It's subtle, though. With a bit of practice, I can scroll the pane without 
causing the action events by swiping my finger quickly over the buttons. It's 
only when I linger for a fraction of a second too long on one of the buttons 
that one or more of the events are fired.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/406

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