On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:01:54 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > May be it has sense to add a drag event handler (which disarms the 
> > corresponding button) to ButtonBehavior only if javafx.platform is set to 
> > monocle to localize the fix only for Monocle? Or add a separate property 
> > and set it by default to true on Monocle and to false otherwise?
> Following up on this: have you given this any more thought? The current fix 
> runs the risk of regression on desktop platforms, so will need additional 
> testing unless you decide to limit the fix to Monocle platforms.

I am personally not in favor of adding a check on Monocle. That sounds like we 
care less about quality when talking about Monocle. We do more experimental 
things in Monocle, but I think we simply need to get this issue right. 
I fully agree it needs more testing. I think it would be good to see some 
scenario's that contain numbers and expected behavior (e.g. in case this 
sequence of low-level events is generated, what high-level events do we expect).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/406

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