On Mon, 22 Mar 2021 23:00:05 GMT, Nir Lisker <nlis...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> There is an outstanding API question regarding the direction vector: Should 
>>> the transforms of the SpotLight node to scene coordinates affect the 
>>> direction vector (e.g., such that a rotation would rotate the direction the 
>>> spotlight is pointing)? If so, do we even need the direction vector or 
>>> could we define the direction as `(0,0,1)` in the local coordinates of the 
>>> SpotLight, and tell applications to apply the appropriate rotation to 
>>> define the direction.
>>> I think for consistency, the answer is "Yes" to the first question (that's 
>>> how the position works and it would be odd for the transform to affect the 
>>> position and not the direction). I'm less certain about the answer to the 
>>> second question. Without utility functions like `lookAt` to help compute 
>>> the appropriate transform, it seems important to be able to specify the 
>>> direction as an explicit parameter. And even if we had utility functions, 
>>> an app might want the control (although you might argue it would be 
>>> unneeded). My instinct is to keep it as defined. If we go with this, the 
>>> only change that is needed is a note that the transforms applied to the 
>>> SpotLight node affect it's direction as well as its position.
>> I would like to allow a developer to achieve a functionality like is shown 
>> in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFgwZX5dkcM at 9:50. The rotations are 
>> intuitive there. If we allow both rotation transforms and a direction, 
>> wouldn't that cause the direction to be unintuitive? Or do you mean that the 
>> direction is always the look-at regardless of rotation transforms and if 
>> it's `null` then the rotations take over?
>>> On Mac I no longer get a GLSL shader error at runtime, but spotlights 
>>> aren't working correctly, either.
>> I don't see this on Linux and I don't have a Mac. Can you try on Linux and 
>> see what you get? If Linux works, I'm afraid I would not be able to debug 
>> the Mac.
> I modified the existing attenuation test to use a `SpotLight`, which is more 
> general, and separated the tests for the various contributions of the light. 
> I renamed the class, so the previous version is removed, but its tests are 
> the same in the new class.

>From an API coverage point of view, it seems better to leave the existing 
>`PointLight` tests and add new ones for `SpotLight`.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/334

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