On Sat, 3 Apr 2021 15:20:41 GMT, mstr2 <github.com+43553916+ms...@openjdk.org> 

> The internal BidirectionalBinding class implements bidirectional bindings for 
> JavaFX properties. The design intent of this class is to provide 
> specializations for primitive value types to prevent boxing conversions (cf. 
> specializations of the Property class with a similar design intent).
> However, the primitive BidirectionalBinding implementations do not meet the 
> design goal of preventing boxing conversions, because they implement 
> ChangeListener.
> ChangeListener is a generic SAM interface, which makes it impossibe to invoke 
> an implementation of ChangeListener::changed with a primitive value (i.e. any 
> primitive value will be auto-boxed).
> The boxing conversion happens, as with all ChangeListeners, at the invocation 
> site (for example, in ExpressionHelper). Since the boxing conversion has 
> already happened by the time any of the BidirectionalBinding implementations 
> is invoked, there's no point in using primitive specializations of 
> BidirectionalBinding after the fact.
> This issue can be solved by having BidirectionalBinding implement 
> InvalidationListener instead, which by itself does not incur a boxing 
> conversion. Because bidirectional bindings are eagerly evaluated, the 
> observable behavior remains the same.
> I've filed a bug report with the same title.

I don't see this or any similar bug filed in our incident tracker. Did the 
submission complete to the point where you have an internal tracking number?

Is there a measurable benefit in doing this? For example, do you have a 
benchmark of some sort that shows garbage generation has been reduced or 
performance has been improved?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/454

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