On 8/7/2021 11:56 AM, Pankaj Bansal wrote:
On Fri, 6 Aug 2021 20:44:23 GMT, Thiago Milczarek Sayao <tsa...@openjdk.org> 

I will look at this. Meanwhile, could you please write an automated system test 
for this?
Sure, I would provide it, but in the past drag and drop tests were not 
possible. Any ideas?
I think it should be possible to write an automated testcase in this case. Find 
center of window, move mouse to the location and do mouse click (without 
release). Then move mouse out of window to some location. Afterwards, get the 
pixel color at mouse location and do mouse release. Looks like it should be 
possible. Please let me know if there is some problem, I will also try to write 
one on my end.

If this does turn out to be too complex, we can file a new JBS issue to track adding an automated test. In which case, a manual test could be added as part of this PR.

-- Kevin

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