On Mon, 18 Dec 2023 22:00:28 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <k...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I did a build with GTK 3.22 (so it compiles the new code, does the dlsym, and 
> does the runtime check) and verified that there are no regressions when 
> running on an older system (Ubuntu 16.04).

That sounds good.

> If we decide that is a reasonable thing to do, we might want the minimum 
> _build-time_ version of GTK to be higher than the minimum version we support 
> at _runtime_.

That makes sense. We already do this with libc. When building (using the devkit 
based on the OpenJDK devkit), we use later versions of certain libraries, but 
we make sure the binaries still work on systems with older versions of the 
libraries. We should clearly state the minimum runtime requirements for some 
libraries (rather than for distributions, as it is always possible to hack new 
versions of libraries into old releases) .
What I really want to avoid is having 2 (or more) versions of the binaries for 
the same platform/arch/os combination.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1305#issuecomment-1862376357

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