On Mon, 4 Mar 2024 21:04:28 GMT, Andy Goryachev <ango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Adds Labeled.truncated property which indicates when the text is visually 
> truncated (and the ellipsis string is inserted) in order to fit the available 
> width.
> The new property reacts to changes in the following properties:
> - ellipsisString
> - font
> - text
> - width
> - wrapText
> For some reason, line 859 generates a javadoc "co comment" warning, despite 
> the javadoc comment present at the property declaration in line 832.
> I don't think it's worth creating a headful test (headless won't work) due to 
> relative simplicity of the code.
> **Alternative**
> The desired functionality can be just as easily achieved on an application 
> level, by adding a similar property to a subclass.  What is the benefit of 
> adding this functionality to the core?

Overall change looks good to me.
Do you think change in `labelPaddingProperty`or `graphicProperty` should also 
trigger check in newly added truncated property? I believe the properties which 
are already bound should take care of this. Just wanted to confirm here.


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1389#pullrequestreview-1916415972

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