2016-09-18 10:06 GMT-04:00 Ralf Mattes <r.mat...@mh-freiburg.de>:
> Am Sonntag, 18. September 2016 12:22 CEST, Michael Ströder 
> <mich...@stroeder.com> schrieb:
>> Ralf Mattes wrote:
>> >
>> > Am Freitag, 16. September 2016 10:15 CEST, Michael Ströder 
>> > <mich...@stroeder.com> schrieb:
>> >
>> >
>> >> [1] http://ltb-project.org/wiki/documentation/openldap-deb
>> >
>> > Thanks, but that repository dpesn't seem to have sources for jessie.
>> Not true:
>> http://ltb-project.org/debian/jessie/
> Sorry, just did the following again:
>   $  wget -O -  
> http://ltb-project.org/debian/wheezy/dists/wheezy/main/source/Sources.gz | 
> zless
>  Package: openldap-ltb
>  Format: 3.0 (native)
>  Binary: openldap-ltb, openldap-ltb-dbg, openldap-ltb-check-password, 
> openldap-ltb-contrib-overlays, openldap-ltb-mdb-utils
>  Architecture: any
>  Version: 2.4.40-1
> Fine, there are the sources for wheezy.
> Next:
>   wget -O -  
> http://ltb-project.org/debian/jessie/dists/jessie/main/source/Sources.gz | 
> zless
>  (END)
> No sources for jessie. Or did I miss something? And before you ask: there are 
> no sources in
> http://ltb-project.org/debian/jessie/pool/main/o/openldap-ltb/


you are right, we did not publish sources as Debian source packages
and we should do it.

For the moment, you can get the source files here:


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