Ralf Mattes wrote:
 First, juat to be clear: thank you for your valuable help and please don't 
take  my comments personally.

Am Donnerstag, 15. September 2016 09:46 CEST, Dieter Klünter 
<die...@dkluenter.de> schrieb:

I _knew_ I read about that at some time. This (slapd-relay) looks
exactly like what I need. Unfortunately this means I need to to dive
down into the labyrinth of (not existing) dosumentation.

Just read manual pages slapd-relay(5) and slapo-rwm(5) that is all the
documentation you should need.

That's how it should be, but in reality:

 - non of the documentation even mentions the "new" live configuration.
    Ironically, every time someone postsher/his old-style slapd configuration
    on this very list she/he's told "use the online configuration".

    Oh, and changing from the old style configuration to the new one is _not_
    just an "add 'olc' in front of the parameters".  For example I can't find
    the rwm-suffixmassage parameter in the olc-Attributes.

Online configuration is self-documenting. You are expected to read the objectclass definition from the config schema.

 - The documentation fails to mention some rather important prerequisits:
    the need to load 'back_relay', the need to load 'rwm'.

Module loading is not specific to back-relay, rwm, or any other backend or overlay, so there is no reason to mention it in their specific documentation.

Whether or not your build supports modules is a compile-time decision, made by whoever built your binaries. Module loading is documented in the general slapd config documentation, since it applies to anything, not just specific backends or overlays.

 - The documentation really should mention that a (miss-)configured database
    can't be removed from the server. Better get it right the first time  ... 

Never test new configs on a production server. Always use a throwaway test 

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/

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