> On May 11, 2022, at 5:48 AM, Soisik Froger <soisik.fro...@worteks.com> wrote:
> If the group used in memberOf has 1200 members, the query takes over 30 
> seconds. These results are obtained using an OpenLDAP running in a simple 
> docker container on a host with 8CPU/16GB RAM.
> When using the memberOf overlay instead of dynlist to calculate memberOf, the 
> performance are back to what is used to be in 2.4 (< 0.200 second for the 
> above ldapsearch).
> We believe our config to be very standard: member attribute is indexed and 
> dynlist is loaded and configured as below
> dn: olcOverlay={3}dynlist,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
> objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
> objectClass: olcDynListConfig
> olcOverlay: {3}dynlist
> olcDynListAttrSet: {0}groupOfURLs memberURL member+memberOf@groupOfNames

Hi Soisik,

I’d like to recreate this in a test env in order to analyze and look for 
solutions.  Can you send me your (complete) test server config and specifics on 
the tests, like ldif, sample data and operations?



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