On Mon, Jan 09, 2023 at 09:26:44AM -0600, Shawn McKinney wrote:

> Yes (both)

Sweet :). We've had some performance issues with the new dynlist
implementation since we upgraded to 2.5, I look forward to trying this

We're currently using dynlist to add the memberOf attribute to users.
One thing that was nice about the new dynlist implementation in 2.5 was
that it allows searching on the dynamic memberOf attribute which we
couldn't do in 2.4. Looking at the commit diff, there's one part that

"To enable filter evaluation on the dynamic list, the configuration must
be changed to explicitly map the dynamic attributes to be filtered"

This just applies to groups created dynamically, right, not static
objects that get dynamic attributes added? Our current config is:

        dynlist-attrset groupOfURLs memberURL member+memberOf@groupOfNames

It doesn't require any changes to keep working with a searchable
memberOf attribute?

Thanks much...

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