
> Certain People were on the verge of getting blacklisted...

with this:

> This *has* been explained.  The issue wasn't lack of explanation.
> It was unwillingness to *accept* the explanation ... combined
> with not presenting a viable alternative.  Some folk clearly
> haven't bothered to read any of the references supplied, much
> less the license in the source files.  Such unwillingness does
> not indicate an honest disagreement.  IMO it shows dishonesty.

Is really funny... If you consider "That violates the GPL, period" an 
explanation, than go ahead and black-list me, because I don't understand 
such "explanations". Or maybe you already have, and that's the reason 
why I haven't received any explanation...

Really - I asked that in several places and no explanation what-so-ever...

1. Why a "wrapper" library which would be GPL-with-exception-for-ftd2xx 
cannot be linked with OpenOCD? I don't see ANY phrase in GPL that says 
that GPL can be linked only to 100%-GPL-stuff-without-exceptions. 
Moreover - I see no sentence which says that "GPL-chain" has to be 
infinite. Really - quote that for me, if the explanations are so simple.

2. I also haven't seen any explanation about the "binary patch", that 
would be marked as Non-GPL. Maybe I remember "this violates GPL, 
period." explanation, so sorry - I'm not convinced either.

3. Why a dummy ftd2xx.dll which could be replaced with real one violates 
the license? Yes - it's one and only reason would be to allow the users 
to use a better code, but I still don't see any sentence in the license 
that says something like "whatever that could be considered as avoiding 
the license is forbidden".

Quote the license and explain to me, why it forbids me to distribute any 
of that. Or blacklist me if you have no other arguments than "this 
violates GPL, period" - but please tell me, I'll stop wasting my time 
trying to send any reason to your mailbox.

Really the ONLY explanation so far has been "This violates GPL"... W-H-Y 
and W-H-E-R-E?

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