On Tue, 2009-07-07 at 14:02 -0700, David Brownell wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 July 2009, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> > My current feeling about 0.2 is that we should allow at least
> > a week of work on the outstanding reset problems before we cut
> > the release.
> That seems reasonable.  Likewise some of the issues turning
> up with different JTAG adapters.

This seems like a slippery slope to me.  One week could easily turn into
two, then another week after that, and so on.  We said that we would
release on 7/1, and we are now a week late.  Another week makes us two
weeks late.

Speaking as release manager, I find this unacceptable from the
perspective of users' expectations.  We have talked about that deadline
for a while, and we need to stick by it unless these problems are truly
insurmountable.  I believe there are workarounds for all bugs being
discussed, so -- while it would be great to have fixes -- they do not
seem like reasons to block the release for much longer.

> It's funny how folk tend to really start testing heavily
> once it seems the release is likely to happen in the next
> day or two.  ;)

Tell me about it.  I am happy to see it happening, but seeing patches
rejected should cause things to be different for the next release.

> During that week ... should there be a policy on commits,
> with explicit ACKs/NAKs required?  Commits can go in after
> the 0.2.0 tarball ships, of course; temporary delays only.

Right.  I am happy with direct trunk commits during the normal
development process -- just not during the release process.
Explicit ACK/NACK is probably the best policy, particularly if everyone
know that such will be required for progress.


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