If you have a series (or tree) of branches, I wrote a small script to
rebase them automatically; however, it falls down when something fails,
in so far as you have to finish things manually (for now).  Basically,
it does this process for N steps and for any number of branches in your
local web of commits:

  git branch step1-tmp step1
  git rebase master step1
  git rebase --onto step1 step1-tmp step2
  git branch -D step1-tmp

Is that what you mean?  If so, my script is in the 'buildscripts' branch
of my fork on repo.or.cz, named rebase.pl.  Here are a few ways I want
to see it improved:
- figure out the branch tree(s) automatically
- avoid leaving temporary branches around
- full continuation and abort support, a la 'git rebase'
- etc. :)

Patches welcome, but I do not plan on adding those scripts to mainline.
That branch contains things that I wrote which may be useful to others,
but I am not pushing to push any of it.


On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 16:34 -0600, Dean Glazeski wrote:
> I went ahead and moved everything over as a fork on my own.  I'll
> leave the other around until this stuff gets hammered out and I'll
> remove it at that point.  The new play area is
> http://repo.or.cz/w/openocd/dnglaze.git.  I've rebased everything to
> the new origin/master.  Is there a good way to rebase two branches
> that merge to create another branch?  With my current layout, if I
> rebase each branch individually, the merge disappears.
> // Dean Glazeski
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Zach Welch <z...@superlucidity.net>
> wrote:
>         On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 13:04 -0600, Dean Glazeski wrote:
>         > Hi all,
>         >
>         > I've finished up the implementation and documentation for an
>         AT91SAM9
>         > NAND driver for OpenOCD.  In total there are about 34
>         patches that
>         > includes some refactor work for both the NAND controller
>         layer and the
>         > ARM NAND I/O pieces.  I have the branch posted at
>         > http://repo.or.cz/w/dnglaze.git under the at91sam9-nand
>         head.  I'm not
>         > sure what the best approach is for working this into the
>         tree cause
>         > this is the biggest change I've attempted to contribute.  I
>         can only
>         > verify that this works for my Olimex SAM9-L9260 board.  Any
>         > suggestions, testing, or improvements are very welcome.
>         My first question is: would you mind moving your repository to
>         be a fork
>         of openocd.git?  You need to contact pasky (the maintainer),
>         but he will
>         put it in the right place for you.  There are several good
>         reasons for
>         him to do this, including saving mirroring bandwidth and disk
>         space on
>         the server.  For us, it puts you in the list with the other
>         forks, so
>         others can see when you have pushed new work more easily.
>         Anyway, I just pulled your branches and verified each patch
>         builds okay.
>         That's a step in the right direction.  I'll look more closely
>         at them
>         when I am done with my command registration series, which I am
>         getting
>         nearly ready to post.
>         --Z

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