> Show my an example of any _normal_ JTAG interface that does
> not have srst?

Depends entirely on what you mean by "normal",
doesn't it?  All I can say is that I've  come across non-prototype  boards that 
don't rely
on that signal, and thus don't provide JTAG
support for it.  That is, boards targetted
at software developers, so "normal" in that
sense ... and produced in volumes of at
least hundreds if not much more.

production boards
> are not very interesting here.

You're reading the wrong things into that
word.  "Production" contrasts in my mind
with "one-off prototype" ... a development
board can be "production", and many are.

There's also "embed-in-end-user-product" type
production boards, that may not even have JTAG.
(Maybe odd form factors, extremely size and
cost reduced, and so forth.

That's not what I was describing.

- Dave

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