On Mon, Jan 13, 2003, Bill Campbell wrote:

> [...]
> May I suggest that this would be a bit clearer with some more meaningful
> names, and roles.  I'm still not absolutely clear about the use of the
> opkg-n user.
> opkg        This is the use/group set that would be used by normal users on
> [...]
> opkg-root   This is the manager with full read/write permissions throughout
> [...]
> opkg-devel  Developer access which would have read/write access to
> [...]
> The actual user names should probably be opkgroot and opkgdev to prevent
> problems with user names > 8 characters long.

Keep in mind that the name, name-n and name-r user/group ids are just
_DEFAULTS_ and were choosen excactly because of the limited length
restrictions on some platforms. You can force the use of _arbitrary_
names by using --{s,m,r,n}{usr,grp}=<name> on the openpkg-*.src.sh
command line instead of --{user,group}=<name>. Nothing is hard-coded, so
you can achieve your wish above with --susr=opkg-root --sgrp=opkg-root
--musr=opkg --mgrp=opkg ...
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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