On Mon, Jun 09, 2003, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

> I'm not sure whether I understand your correctly. Are you talking about
> a not triggered rebuild in openpkg-tool or about the fact that the
> package does break on a plain rebuilding?
> I guess you're talking about the first. And here I do not understand:
> in all of our applications, we never have a run-time dependency to
> libraries which were needed under build-time.

I beg to differ, we have many such dependencies. Dependencies to libraries
are very often copied in BuildPreReq and PreReq.

The PreReq dependency is required to trigger rebuilds because this
is the only kind stored by rpm in the package database. The BuildPreReq
information is lost.

Index information cannot be used as a substitute because it is only
valid for packages in the repository which often do have dependencies
different from installed packages.

N.B. whenever we start supporting shared libraries then the runtime
dependency is even required for correct functioning of the dependent

    ,eM""=.            a"-.                         Michael van Elst
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