I ran tar on the .sh file and extracted the openpkg.tar.bz2 file to the
correct location and I am able to use it, so it looks like everything is in
order with the build.  I have run build make binutils and gcc, so far so


On 6/4/07, Doug Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

bootstrap completes and the .sh file is built.  Trying to run the
bootstrap binary yields the following error:

openpkg-20070604-20070604.i386-macosx 10.4.9-tools.sh: cannot execute
binary file

On 6/4/07, Ralf S. Engelschall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, the last days I've tried to (blindly) incorporate all your feedback
> to improve the Mac OS X support in the bootstrap package. Today I've
> finally enhanced the GNU shtool platform detection under Mac OS X and
> also added some evil but necessary gcc/cc/ld command overrides which
> pass option -search_paths_first to the system ld(1). Together with now
> perhaps a dummy "gcc" package (as people tell me that the stock GNU gcc
> has problems under Mac OS X while the system gcc works fine) one should
> be able to build a rather complex OpenPKG instance under Mac OS X.
> But as I've no Mac OS X available myself, I cannot test it in any way.
> So, please bootstrap a fresh instance again under Mac OS X and try to
> build up to Apache with SSL support or whatever else and give feedback.
> At least the problems under Mac OS X now should be a lot less than
> before...
>                                        Ralf S. Engelschall
>                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                        www.engelschall.com
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> User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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