Hi Mahesh,

Here's the immnd trace and mds log for this problem.

11:26:21.778367 osafimmnd[5238] NOTIFY  |MDTM: svc down event for svc_id = 
IMMA_OM(26), subscri. by svc_id = IMMND(25) pwe_id=1 Adest = 
11:26:21.778474 osafimmnd[5238] NOTIFY  |MDTM: svc up event for svc_id = 
IMMA_OM(26), subscri. by svc_id = IMMND(25) pwe_id=1 Adest = 
11:26:21.779135 osafimmnd [5238:immsv_evt.c:5473] T8 Received: 
11:26:21.779147 osafimmnd [5238:immnd_evt.c:10368] T2 IMMA DOWN EVENT
11:26:21.779225 osafimmnd [5238:immsv_evt.c:5473] T8 Received: 
11:26:21.779237 osafimmnd [5238:immnd_evt.c:10443] T2 IMMA UP EVENT

IMM received an NCSMDS_DOWN event and an NCSMDS_UP event right after that.
There's no message from client, so the client didn't call 

It seemed that the connection is not stable/flickering or something like that 
Dsock is a tipc socket, maybe this is a problem with tipc (?)

When there's a "withdrawn event", MDS starts a timer to remove the process info 
after 10 seconds.
That's the reason why IMM can't read the PID.
11:26:31.878622 osafimmnd [5238:mds_dt_common.c:0862] TR TIMEOUT, deleting 
entry for 2010ffc93cf53, pid:5725
11:26:31.878655 osafimmnd [5238:mds_c_db.c:2527] >> mds_process_info_del: 
dest:2010ffc93cf53, pid:5725, svc:26

The question is: should/does MDS clear the timer when it receives "published 
event" from the same adest+svc_id ?

The problem can be solved if the timer is cleared.


 (5.5 MB; application/x-compressed)


** [tickets:#1825] MDS: When saImmOmInitialize was invoked, MDS sent ‘pid = 0’ 

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** 4.7.2
**Created:** Fri May 13, 2016 12:34 PM UTC by Rafael
**Last Updated:** Tue May 17, 2016 11:44 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

 (2.6 MB; text/x-log)

This happens only some of the time. 

First this is called from an application:

    saImmOmInitialize(immHandle, NULL, &version)

Then the system log shows this error:

    May 13 02:31:53 sc2 osafimmnd[6042]: WA immnd_evt_proc_imm_init: PID 0 
(7150) for 2020fb1d13cb8, MDS problem?
     May 13 02:31:53 sc2 osafimmnd[6042]: WA immnd_evt_proc_imm_init: PID 0 
(7150) for 2020fb1d13cb8, MDS problem?
     May 13 02:31:55 sc2 osafimmnd[6042]: NO Ccb 176 COMMITTED (LDE)
     May 13 02:31:55 sc2 osafimmnd[6042]: WA immnd_evt_proc_imm_init: PID 0 
(7150) for 2020fb1d13cb8, MDS problem?
     May 13 02:31:55 sc2 osafimmnd[6042]: WA immnd_evt_proc_imm_init: PID 0 
(7150) for 2020fb1d13cb8, MDS problem?


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