MW wrote:
> actually should we wait a while and get more reaction. As this is going to 
> effect anyone who has a module that isn't in trunk. Seems a lot of hasle for 
> such a small thing.
> Would seem better to wait and make the change when/if we change to homer's 
> new module interface.

Yes, agreed.  I'll both wait for reactions, and wait for Homer's work,
to minimize the number of times we break things.  I think normalizing
that would make sense prior to 0.7, just to give us some more
consistency.  I know every time I walk someone new through parts of the
code there is a lot of head scratching over the inconsistency.  For
those of us that have been here a long time, we are used to it.  From
the outside it looks like we are all just a bunch of crazies... which
may or may not be true, but I'd rather not get the reputation from
method naming. :)


Sean Dague / Neas Bade

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