On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Diva Canto <d...@metaverseink.com> wrote:
> I've been debating with myself and with some ppl in IRC about whether
> OpenSim should support many security schemes or shoot for the most
> generic one. Advice appreciated. Here's the situation.
> There are already 3 different authentication schemes on the pipeline for
> Teleports, one of them being the current one, and two being on my local
> non-committed changes. These 3 schemes are: (a) no authentication; (b)
> session authentication; and (c) key authentication (keys being unique,
> one-time strings for each client-server pair).
> (a) is what is currently in place -- hence my nagging about the lack of
> security in non-VPN'ed grids. But for VPN'ed grids this is perfectly fine.
> (b) is a weak form of authentication that prevents spoofing from the
> outside of a grid, but that doesn't prevent spoofing from inside. That
> is, regions can find out the sessionID of users when they're logged in,
> and impersonate them. In open grids this is highly unsafe; but in
> walled-garden grids, this is perfectly fine.
> (c) is the strongest form, as it allows clients to have a lot more
> control -- not the raw Linden client, which doesn't quite do that, but
> others. (c) can also be implemented in the current setup, with the raw
> Linden client, and with server-side teleports. It's kind of meaningless
> in this case, but it's no worse than (b) for open grids.
> So, back to the original question. Should OpenSim support all of these
> and more, or should we shoot for (c) only?

(c) is the most important; there is a very well established pattern
using SSL, there should also be many libraries for this

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