That used to work, but was broken some months ago.


Len Brown wrote:
> Greetings all!
> I recently wanted to familiarize myself better with many of the console
> commands and among them I tried my hand at using the console to create a new
> region while in-world.  I came upon the following issue:
> I'd already created my first region, named "TestRegion" in the normal
> fashion and logged into the region and was flying around - all was normal.
> I then typed into the console:
> create region NewRegion NewRegion.ini
> Then followed the normal practice for naming the new region (NewRegion) and
> assigning it port 9001, etc.
> But in-world the new region did not appear.  When bringing up the world map
> it was shown there, but not in the mini-map.  I teleported to my home
> position (128,128 default) and then the new region appeared in the mini map,
> but I was still unable to fly into it - in-world it showed nothing was
> there.
> I ran the shutdown console command then restarted the OS server and when I
> logged in the new region was then visible in-world and I could fly into it,
> with everything working as expected.
> Is this a typical situation or something new?  Previously I always had all
> my regions listed in a single regions.ini file and since my home region
> started first, I could log in and actually watch the regions around me
> appearing in-world.  I'm guessing there's some kind of communication error
> keeping the new region created via console from appearing in-world, yet
> showing up in the map and mini-map.
> My Operating System for this example is Windows 7 Home Premium, all updates
> applied.  Oh, and this is with the 0.6.8 binary release, not a currently
> build.
> I'll be pleased to file a bug report if this is indeed an undocumented bug.
> I could not find anything specific to this issue in the jira myself.
> Thanks all!
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