+1 for this, however moving things in defaults that are not in example to the end of a section, particularly in the larger sections might move a setting more out of context and make the defaults file less readable.


On 07/04/2014 20:02, Frank Nichols wrote:
I would appreciate any comments on changing the OpenSimDefaults.ini file so 
that it will be the same form factor as the OpenSim.ini.example file. Currently 
the defaults file is an older format and as such it is difficult to compare the 
two when looking for changes or settings.

I suggest (and am willing to do the work to make a patch) that the defaults 
file be updated to the same form factor as the OpenSim.ini.example file. In the 
case of any settings in the defaults that are not in the OpenSim.ini.example, 
those would be consolidated at the end of each associated section - i.e.. any 
thing in defaults [Startup] that is not in the .example [Startup] would be 
moved to the end of the defaults [Startup] section and updated to the same form 
factor as the rest of the settings.

When completed the two files run when through diff would result in ONLY those 
lines that are different - those being lines in defaults not in example and the 
line for the default setting - i.e.:

An example to demonstrate:


     ;# {ConsolePrompt} {} {ConsolePrompt} {} "Region (\R) "
     ;; Console prompt
     ;; Certain special characters can be used to customize the prompt
     ;; Currently, these are
     ;; \R - substitute region name
     ;; \\ - substitute \
     ; ConsolePrompt = "Region (\R) "

OpenSimDefaults.ini currently:

     ; Console prompt
     ; Certain special characters can be used to customize the prompt
     ; Currently, these are
     ; \R - substitute region name
     ; \\ - substtitue \
     ConsolePrompt = "Region (\R) "

OpenSimDefaults.ini proposed:

     ;# {ConsolePrompt} {} {ConsolePrompt} {} "Region (\R) "
     ;; Console prompt
     ;; Certain special characters can be used to customize the prompt
     ;; Currently, these are
     ;; \R - substitute region name
     ;; \\ - substitute \
     ConsolePrompt = "Region (\R) "

The proposed change would make comparing the two files for changes and 
differences easier. It would be a clean diff  obviously, since the defaults is 
1800 lines and the example is only 1000. But, it might help.

Frank Nichols
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