Hello Andre,

I had a look at the relevant wiki page (
opensimulator.org/wiki/Feature_Proposals/AutoBackup), which states:

   - "Overwrite": Always save to file named "RegionName.oar", even if we
   have to overwrite an existing file.


   - AutoBackupScript: *String*. Default: not specified (disabled). File
   path to an executable script or binary to run when an automatic backup is
   taken. argv[1] of the executed file/script will be the file name of the
   generated OAR. If the process can't be spawned for some reason (file not
   found, no execute permission, etc), write a warning to the console.

Note the part where it says "File path to an executable script or binary to
run...". To me, that means a batch file (*.BAT, *CMD), .EXE, .VBS, shell
script or any other file executable by the Operating System, not a
command-script text file to parse and run within the Opensim console. Note
also references to "spawning" and "execute permission"; this is clearly an
OS executable the documentation refers to. Note also that the name of the
OAR file generated by the AutoBackupNaming string is passed as the first
argument (parameter) to the AutobackupScript. Why? I suspect the purpose of
this is to enable further data processing on the OAR file AFTER it has been
created (such as perhaps, copying it to other locations, such as removable
storage, network shares or cloud directories, perhaps comparing it to
previous OAR files to check whether changes have taken place and decide
whether to keep or discard the newly created file). The possibilities are
endless and depend on the individual needs.

So when you state: "so AutoBackup is not using "AutoBackup.txt" but saves
oar with region name, not sure why.  Autobackup should run "AutoBackup.txt"
every xx set by "AutoBackupInterval"", I don't think you are fully
understanding the purpose and functionality of the AutoBackupScript

I hope this helps,


On 23 February 2015 at 20:02, André Verwijs <dutch.gl...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have this in OpenSim.ini:
> [AutoBackupModule]
>    ;; default is module is disabled at the top level
>    AutoBackupModuleEnabled = true
>    AutoBackup = true
>    AutoBackupInterval = 10
>    AutoBackupBusyCheck = true
>    AutoBackupScript = "AutoBackup.txt"
>    AutoBackupNaming = "Overwrite"
>    AutoBackupDir = "C:\Users\Verwijs\Documents\Opensim-MySQL\Backups"
>    AutoBackupDilationThreshold = 0.5
>    AutoBackupAgentThreshold = 10
> "AutoBackup.txt" has this line:
> save oar --perm=MCT -all "C:\Users\Verwijs\Documents\
> Opensim-MySQL\Backups\OPENSUSE-REGION-PC.oar"
> but on startup & run i'll get this:
> on startup:
> 00:44:46 - [AUTO BACKUP]: Region Standalone OpenSUSE Test Region is
> AutoBackup ENABLED.
> 00:44:46 - [AUTO BACKUP]: Reusing timer for 600000 msec for region
> Standalone OpenSUSE Test Region
> 00:44:46 - [AUTO BACKUP]: Config for Standalone OpenSUSE Test Region
> 00:44:46 - [AUTO BACKUP]: AutoBackup: ENABLED
> [AUTO BACKUP]: Interval: 10 minutes
> [AUTO BACKUP]: Do Busy Check: Yes
> [AUTO BACKUP]: Naming Type: Overwrite
> [AUTO BACKUP]: Backup Dir: C:\Users\Verwijs\Documents\
> Opensim-MySQL\Backups
> [AUTO BACKUP]: Script: AutoBackup.txt
> running AutoBackup:
> 01:55:19 - [AUTO BACKUP]: Backing up region Standalone OpenSUSE Test Region
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Writing archive for region Standalone OpenSUSE Test
> Region to C:\Users\Verwijs\Documents\Opensim-MySQL\Backups\Standalone
> OpenSUSE Test Region.oar
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Creating version 0.8 OAR
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Added control file to archive.
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Writing region Standalone OpenSUSE Test Region
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: 96 scene objects to serialize requiring save of 125
> assets
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Adding region settings to archive.
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Adding parcel settings to archive.
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Adding terrain information to archive.
> 01:55:19 - [ARCHIVER]: Adding scene objects to archive.
> 01:55:20 - [ARCHIVER]: Saving 125 assets
> 01:55:20 - [ARCHIVER]: AssetsRequest executed looking for 125 possible
> assets
> 01:55:20 - [FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Cache Get :: 
> df208c8d-1893-4d76-8736-4df2996a40d8
> :: Hit
> 01:55:20 - [FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: File Hit Rate: 14.67% for 900 requests
> 01:55:20 - [FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Memory Hit Rate: 81.33% for 900 requests
> 01:55:20 - [FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Unnecessary requests due to requests for
> assets that are currently downloading: 0
> 01:55:20 - [ARCHIVER]: Added 50 assets to archive
> 01:55:20 - [ARCHIVER]: Added 100 assets to archive
> 01:55:21 - [ARCHIVER]: Successfully added 125 assets (0 assets not found
> but these may be expected invalid references)
> 01:55:21 - [ARCHIVER]: Finished writing out OAR for Standalone OpenSUSE
> Test Region
> so AutoBackup is not using "AutoBackup.txt" but saves oar with region
> name, not sure why.  Autobackup should run "AutoBackup.txt" every xx set by
> "AutoBackupInterval"
> I've made a AutoBackup manual, here are links:
> https://copy.com/ifzvn64NJkWUMJKE - "Auto Backup Module.docx"
> https://copy.com/Q7gpvBKDz3hmZsLS - "Auto Backup Module.rtf"
> André
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