> The only thing I have heard about JDS development is that the focus
> was shifting to JDS/Solaris instead of JDS/Linux. Are you certain
> about this? Can you quote a source?

I don't think SUN would speak this out that directly.
They aimed to create an "alternate" to Windows:
Now you can say, it's working, it's an alternate, but I am sure internally SUN 
shares my view.
But no, I don't have offical sources, that quote a statement like this.
I just heard some people, sharing the same opinion I do.

> While I respect that is your opinion, please don't start KDE vs. GNOME
> flamewars using inflammatory language.

I know this topic can easily lead to a flame war, but I don't think my message 
has the potential to start one. You see, I also told what I like on Gnome, that 
KDE isn't perfect, and that I prefer KDE.
But I accept people who don't like it (flavours are different).
I am really serious about this, and I hope the OpenSolaris community is able to 
give their opinions about this topic without flaming. (btw, take a look at the 
Topic Solaris vs. Linux, some threads ago, this is a flame topic, too).
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