> - A student interested in data visualization could gain experience with
>   JFreeChart, a SourceForge project used by Chime, and design some new
>   display types besides the existing bar and line graphs.
> - There's a client/server prototype optionally used by Chime that
>   someone could replace with JMX or cacao or something that supports
>   user authentication, etc.
> - Chime needs a wizard or Netbeans-style property editor for creating
>   new displays (a good chance to get familiar with XML).
> - Chime needs a way to playback XML recordings without having to decode
>   an entire file into memory all at once.
> - Someone might want to make Chime run in a web browser.
> - A new set of displays designed specifically to answer questions about
>   one aspect of the system could be an interesting project, possibly
>   resulting in a new tool separate from Chime.
> - More ways to rearrange D programs (or create new D programs) in
>   response to GUI gestures could make Chime better at answering
>   questions.  Specific dtrace(1M) use cases could provide a useful
>   starting point for someone to make Chime follow the same steps more
>   easily.
> The Chime project will be a good introduction to DTrace.  Some of the
> ideas above may require expertise from the community or a more specific
> problem statement.  Anyone who has tried the tool and has a suggestion,
> please share it.

better tooling/visualization on top of DTrace is definitely worth a
project, IMO. 

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