Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 26 May 2006 02:47 pm, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > I do this since more than three years on every fair where I see an Adobe
> > both. I don't understand their behavior.
> Well, do you know that Mac almost lost support for AcroRead just prior to 
> Apple's resurgance back to life? The beancounters at Adobe seem brutal, a 
> bean is a bean is a bean...or something like that.;-)

Well, I tell them that Adobe is dead as they did not release something 
newer than Acroread-4.5 and this even identifies as Acroread-4.0.

We need to tell more people that Adobe is dead and that PDF thus is no longer
useful as a "portable dodument format".

A company that does not create new versions of their software in more than
6 years _is_ dead.

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     other    2822384 Jan 27  2000 


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