On 5/29/06, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From this
> stand point, GCC-like and GNU-like environments are
> must to have and we
> are moving this road... aka NexentaOS
> GNU/OpenSolaris.

I just happen to be working on porting a GCC written application to Sun Studio 11.  And all I can say is, GCC is one of the worst, brain dead compilers in existence. If it were up to me, I'd lock all the GCC developers up on criminal charges for the rest of their lives, and explicitly forbid them to ever touch a computer by a means of a court order.

I'd give them shovels and pickaxes, that's what. Those guys are only good to do road work, not work on compilers.

To state my point, the Sun Studio C and C++ compilers picked a TON of warnings and just plain BAD CODE, that the braindead GCC compiler didn't even detect.

And I didn't even get to the fact that Sun Studio 11 is now available for Linux, for free, so there is NO EXCUSE for using that GCC junk any more.

On top of all that, Sun Studio can do just unbelievable optimizations like code reordering, binary optimizations and many other things on x86, x64 and SPARC that GCC can't even touch. Plus it just generates faster, better and tighter code.

So when I read statements like the one you just made, my hair stands up on my head.  This is horrible, just horrible.

No, I think the thing worse than that, are those who develop applications as if the whole world revolved around Linux - take the gnome-cd application, its link to a linux cdrom.h header - now wouldn't it be smarter to create an abstraction layer between the devices and applications that that applications don't directly link to the system, thus make portability that wee bit easier?


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