On 6/1/06, Kaiwai Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/1/06, David J. Orman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 31, 2006, at 3:38 PM, Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
> >
> > One assumes that when Sun is solely backing GNOME, that there is no
> > 'officiallly supported' KDE for Solaris - all very nice to have a
> > 'community working on it' but companies like the warm fuzzy feeling
> > knowing that there are people they can ring up and abuse when
> > things go wrong.
> Sun has the resources it has, and they are allocated how they are.
> With all of the issues you have stated you encountered with Solaris
> as a desktop OS, don't you think they should be focusing on getting
> *one* thing working before spreading their limited resources thin?
> Yikes, you want the world, and you want it NOW!

So, what is it? is Solaris a desktop or a server operating system? come on,
admit it, you're just burning to say, "Matty, its a server OS!"

opensolaris is less than a year old, solaris is a server os and people
are working to make it desktop friendly, even in this short time there
was a huge improvement in the area, solaris now has wireless drivers
and runs well on laptops, Gnome is in the process of being updated to
the latest version, things like hal are being ported to solaris; Rome
wasnt built in a day

> > Which brings up the other question - why on gods green earth did
> > SUN go with GNOME? why not just buy out Trolltech, release Qt under
> > CDDL?
> >
> Is your solution to everything Sun buying out/paying off *insert
> random company here with questionable value to Sun*?

Lets see; on one had you have a bag of half baked rubbish, collated
together, and called GNOME every 6 months OR you have on the other hand, a
desktop where all the applications have been developed to work together in
an integrated fashioned, called KDE.

it's funny, the top three linux players (redhat, suse and ubuntu imho)
seem to disagree and are strongly backing gnome, have you ever tried
ubuntu? it makes a great desktop and it looks really polished

Sun has limited resources, is it wise to invest so much time and money into
a desktop (GNOME) that requires so much TLC when the better option would
have been to choose KDE which is already 'there' interms of desktop
usability, integration, well written documentation, good GUI based
development tools etc. etc.

I'm getting really tired of this, it's better for YOU, what makes you
think the rest of the world think alike? all i've heard you say during
the last few days is "sun should do this or buy that" do you realize
that this is an opensolaris mainling list and sun is just one more
player in the community?

But hey, you keep drinking the GNOME koolaid, one day GNOME just might
actually achieve something besides being a 'me too' desktop.

you're more than free not to use it, i told you this once before and i
will repeat it, if you think you can do a better job start your own
opensolaris distribution, ship KDE and whatever else you want, if
you're right and people would rather kde over gnome, you might even
make some cash from it.

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