Thomas Maier-Komor schrieb:
can anybody explain to me, what the reason for this might be?

Please take a look at the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc/700$ uname -a
SunOS azalin 5.10 Generic_118833-22 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-2500
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc/700$ ps -ef|grep 700
    root   700     1   0 22:16:03 ?           0:00 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
    root  1289  1253   0 23:40:50 pts/7       0:00 grep 700
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc/700$ ls -l status
-r--------   1 root     root        1232 Sep 15 22:16 status
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc/700$ cat status
cat: input error on status: Value too large for defined data type
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc/700$ cat /proc/$$/status

/proc structures of 64 bit processes must be accessed by 64 bit programs. /usr/sfw/bin/snmpd is a 64 bit program:

% file /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
snmpd: ELF 64-Bit MSB ausführbar SPARCV9 Version 1, über dynamischen Link verknüpft, nicht entfernt

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