The following is my *personal* opinion - I shouldn't have to say this but since I'm posting from an @Sun.COM address I'm making it explicit.

Having had to deal with the import into Solaris of several open source projects before OpenSolaris started up and after it my opinions are based on that. I have spent a non trivial amount of time talking with Sun Legal about license/trademark/patent/export law and have I think an above average (for a developer) understanding of the issues.

* Dual licensing is far to complex for developers to understand. It is hard enough for lawyers to understand for incomming unmodified source, never mind the problems with derived works and ongoing participation.

* I see no value in GPLv3 over CDDL only downside, particularly if is a dual license. Especially given the "conflict" between CDDL being "files" based and GPL being "project".

More importantly I see no statement of what problem we are actually trying to solve by using a license other than the CDDL. Exactly how is the CDDL not working for us ? What do we really expect to gain by using a GPL license as well as or instead of CDDL ?

Note that I'm NOT anti GPL I has its place. I really like what CDDL offers and I think that it was and still is the correct choice for OpenSolaris. It allows this community to potentially fill an area that GPL licensed operating systems can not.

The above is my *personal* opinion - I shouldn't have to say this but since I'm posting from an @Sun.COM address I'm making it explicit.

Darren J Moffat

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