On 22/03/07, Thomas De Schampheleire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What I personally find important in Linux is:
- the user experience, mostly embodied by the KDE desktop environment.
I don't like Gnome, so I don't like the default Solaris desktop
environment. I heard that there is a KDE project for OpenSolaris, so
that is great. If most of the GUI programs would run on OpenSolaris as
well, then the biggest challenge has been overwon I think.

The challenge has been essentially met then, I believe. KDE was on
Solaris a few years ago thanks to the stoic efforts of Stefan Teleman
and others (see http://solaris.kde.org/).

I would never expect sun to ship KDE in the main distribution though
or as a default. On the "companion software" CD or something like
that, sure...

- then there are the command line programs. There might be a good
reason for this, but I feel that some of the Solaris-shipped tools are
inferior to the GNU tools. For example, I don't see a reason why a
simple recursive grep with 'grep -R' does not work on Solaris. Why

Because -R doesn't fit with the UNIX philosphy. It fits with the GNU
philosophy. Remember, GNU stands for "GNU's NOT UNIX" :)

there are two greps is something I do not understand either.
I do not get the way man works either. On Linux, you would just do
"man cat" or "man vi", and it would just give you the correct man
page. Even 'man man' doesn't work here. (I'm beginning to wonder
whether this may be because the man pages are not installed... could
this be? man man should work, right?)

Your manpath probably isn't set correctly. The default manpath for
Solaris does *not* include all of the man directories for all
installed software; it is up to you set it appropriately.

Setting your manpath to include /usr/sfw/man, /opt/SUNWspro/man, etc.
would probably alleviate most of these. As far as I know, Sun requires
a man page for almost every binary, even if the software is 3rd party.

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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