"Anil Gulecha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not specifically asking for a Solaris port of
linux Nero. I'm 
asking for
> a well designed GUI for burning CD/DVDs.. if Nero
*were* to be 
ported, it
> would be a great choice.

The problem is thsat many people ask for something to
happen instead of 
things to be done.


As stated before, it seems we need the hardware and
specs available to the right software engineers that
will provide the solution.

1. Sony has a workstation (130G, $1500 USD) and
Blu-Ray drives (BWU-100A and BRU-100A (external)). The
25GB Blu-Ray disks cost about $17 USD and the 50GB
drives cost about $35 USD.

2. The HD-DVD 15GB disks cost about $14 USD.

So maybe provide an OpenSolaris/Solaris 10 workstation
with a retrofitted Sony BWU-100A/BRU-100 Blu-Ray drive
for remote development purposes and move forward with
this project???? 

I have immediate access to the hardware - if needed.

Ken Mays

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