UNIX admin wrote:

Moinak, I urge you to think carefully one more time about what you've written 
(an excellent reply BTW). The number of true IT experts and professionals is 
dwindling exponentially every day.  Over here I've got bakers and train drivers 
and construction workers being hired into IT to write web applications based on 
Oracle databases! I've got people working as Oracle DBAs on Solaris not knowing 
how to set up a PATH variable properly! I've got people doing Oracle who don't 
know how to use RMAN or RAC, let alone know what ZFS is, and that Solaris now 
runs on the i86pc platform!

How many Jeff Bonwicks and Adam Leventhals and Moinak Goshes and Joerg 
Schillings do you think are left in the world? And how many of them are outside 
of that small concentrated spot called Menlo Park, CA?

Can we dumb things down? Why yes of course we can. Any good engineer can! But 
what will happen when Jeff Bonwick retires? Or Moinak Ghosh? Or when Joerg ends 
up in a nursing home? If we don't educate the public, this knowledge will be 
lost. Who then will be left to develop advanced technologies, to push computer 
science forward, to have an understanding of why things were implemented the 
way they were?

Just look "around you" on this mailing list. How many "newbies" do we see daily 
complaining why some feature XYZ from their Linux distro isn't present, only because they don't 
know System V and therefore don't know it's already been there for DECADES? How many people do we 
have asking about GNU functionality not being present inside of System V tools, because they don't 
have the knowledge and experience to understand that the point *is not* implementing tools within 
other tools, but stringing the tools together for maximum flexibility?

My point is, quite simply, if we dumb everything down, once we're gone, the 
knowledge and experience might very well be lost. Forever. And I dread to 
imagine what IT and CS will look like without it. It's turning into a nightmare 

So this approach of "dumbing things down" for the "newbie" can very well turn to be the 
undoing of IT and CS. Who will be left to work on all this advanced stuff if we raise a generation of 
"clicky-bunty" masses? It's already a bad, bad problem today. What will it look like in ten or 
twenty years from now?

  You certainly do have a point from a different angle. I'd agree with
  you on this CS/IT skill thing. I've had CS students asking me: What
  is Unix ? Is it something similar to Linux ?  I have interviewed folks
  who have done Java Web Services development but did not know
  how to set the CLASSPATH. For that matter how many of the Visual
  C++ weenies would have even heard of something called WinMain ?
  I have seen folks among the IDE crowd having no idea of Event Loops
  or Makefiles. I have seen many "systems programmers" who cannot
  distinguish between systems calls and library functions, or the criteria
  for claiming to be a systems programmer is to have used open, close,
  read, write.

  The list goes on and on. But isn't the root cause of this sad situation
  at some different point - academics. Isn't it the responsibility of the
  academic institutions to focus on basics using CLI - IMHO start with
  BASIC and Shells. Students in a hurry to get projects done use
  clicky-bunty IDEs to just finish the work. Institutions in a hurry to
  keep pace with the Industry Buzzwords skip teaching the basics.

  The problem domain is different and needs to be tackled somewhere
  else. Keeping the Human-Computer interface un-dumbed and difficult
to use won't really achieve the desired result. It will result in the OS in
  question being ignored and relegated to a niche because there are
  always alternatives which are easy to use.  Ease of use is always a
  multi-edged sword but is nevertheless necessary and it's definition
varies with the target audience. In fact slick interfaces require a lot of
  skill to develop and maintain - whether it is a slick CLI or a slick GUI.
  I'd rather be optimistic since there will always be inquisitive people
  who want to dig underneath the pretty interfaces and get their hands
  dirty, there will always be hackers, scientists, innovators - human
  nature, thirst for knowledge after all.

  How easy it is to use the Computers on board the USS Enterprise NCC
  1701, and we still have geniuses like Scotty and La Forge - my kind of


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