Joerg Schilling wrote:
Ted Pogue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Project Overview:

I propose the creation of a project on, to bring to the community Solaris host-based data services; namely the Storage Archive Manager or SAM and the Solaris shared file system QFS. These data services exist today and are distributed commercially by Sun as the Sun StorageTek Storage Archive Manager and Sun StorageTek QFS shared file system. The software is delivered unbundled commercially for Solaris 9 and 10, but also is compiled for and runs on Open Solaris.

While doing this is a really good idea, I see potential name conflicts
with older softare.....

Since 20..25 years, I create and publish programs like:

smake, star, sformat, sfind (a bit newer), ....

and I recently got some information that SAMFS may include progran names
like "star" and "sfind".

I support this project, but I would like to see that the programs are renamed into something like: 'sam*' in order to avoid confusion.


Considering these are currently unbundled and shipping products, that might be hard. I.e., would you want to tell customers that they need to learn new commands, change all of their scripts, etc?

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