On 30/04/07, Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > OSS is in the pipeline and should be in Nevada
> sometime soon.  GStreamer
> > currently only supports SunAudio, but should also
> support OSS when it
> > becomes available in Nevada.
> >
> what do you mean? nevada might ship this:
> http://www.4front-tech.com/solaris.html?

If so, it sure would be great to see it fixed up to work well on SPARC;
equalization plus anything else is unusable on my Sun Blade 2000 (2x 1.015GHz);
Logitech 20 (or similar Logitech) headphones are sometimes noisy compared to
the native Solaris drivers, and an otherwise nice Audigy NX USB is stuck in 
status with the latest OSS drivers on SPARC.  And the native compatibility 
work, and the MIDI support is still missing.  But if all that were fixed, it 
would be
quite nice, esp. if it could also support the native audio hardware (CS4231, in 
case).  And that might ease porting Linux audio or MIDI apps too.

MIDI was purposefully left out from the initial OSSv4 release.


"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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